How I solved late night practices

And got more sleep

In 2019 I was part of a undefeated basketball season for a danish division and quickly got a problem. My sleep was time crushed 😵

Late practices, showers and cooking up dinners at home, plus a regular 9-5 (which is 7-15 in Copenhagen) had me feeling like shit in the mornings

So I knew I had to find a solution to optimize my post-practice routine and become quite strict with it

My routine for late practices/games:

  • Hit the floor and slow down breathing and heart rate

  • Consume a quick protein and carb rich meal

  • Hit the shower and get going

  • Drive home, unpack, brush teeth and sleep

Meals I brought:

  • A few mÿsli bars and a protein shake w/water

  • Spaghetti Bolognese

  • Left overs

  • Wraps with some kinda meat and dressing

This routine gained me up to 60 minutes of sleep by cutting out phone scrolling, cooking and cleaning after practice

Are you dealing with these problems? Got better solutions? Smash that reply button and let me know

See you next Thursday
