This made Steph the greatest shooter🏀

Make practice fun🙌🏼

Arms slippery and soaked in sweat.

Mind frustrated after yet another horrible practice performance.

How do I turn this shit around?🤷🏽‍♂️

Returning to division ball after 4-year break is tough.

But I know I will have atleast one +20 point game this season.

In my endless research, I stumbled on Steph Curry’s coach, Brandon Payne. His approach? Make training fun, focused, and progressive. Here’s how you can apply it:

1. Set a Mini-Goal 

- Make 10 shots in a row. Miss? Restart.

- Why: A goal keeps you sharp and competitive.

2. Mix It Up 

- Change the drill, or even the location.

- Why: Variety keeps things fresh, preventing burnout.

3. Add Randomness 

- Flip a coin for the next move.

- Why: Train your brain for unpredictable moments.

4. Create Game Pressure 

- Act like every drill is the game-winner.

- Why: Prepping for pressure = real game readiness.

This method’s kept my workouts from getting stale—and I can already feel the improvement.

Until next week,

Morten Charlie 👋